Crowell & Moring
An International Law Firm | Washington DC - California - New York - London - Brussels
We're among the world's most trusted and respected firms. Our practice is broad and deep, spanning the globe and crossing industries. Like many lawyers, we pride ourselves on our integrity, client relationships, and ability to win cases. But that's not why 53 of us left a major law firm in 1979 to start Crowell & Moring.
We did it because we believed we could create a different kind of law firm. A place where lawyers could think differently. Act differently. Be themselves. What we are has much to do with what we are not: stuffy, arrogant, closed-minded.
Instead, we're here for you when you need us. To think strategically, as well as creatively about your legal matter. To be intellectually curious. To work together as one team, leveraging individual strengths where they will have the greatest impact. To enjoy what we do. To be tough, yet approachable. To serve our community as well as our clients. To win.
Crowell & Moring
1029 W 3rd Ave #402
Anchorage AK 99501
Tel: 907 865-2600
White Collar & Regulatory Enforcement
For more than twenty five years, Crowell & Moring's White Collar & Regulatory Enforcement team has successfully defended and counseled companies, partnerships, boards of directors, elected officials, members of management and other individual clients around the world in connection with all manner of government investigations, criminal trials, regulatory enforcement actions and internal investigations.
Our team has a wide-reaching international practice, consisting of highly experienced attorneys in the firm's London, Los Angeles, Orange County, New York, and Washington, D.C. offices. We bring to bear on our clients' representations the rare blend of insight, experience and judgment that can only be gleaned from a team that includes lifelong defense lawyers, including former Assistant Federal Defenders, as well as former prosecutors and enforcement attorneys from the Department of Justice, the Office of Independent Counsel, United States Attorney's Offices, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.K.'s Serious Fraud Office.
Our experience includes defending investigations by grand juries, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the SEC, the CFTC, the IRS, FINRA, congressional committees, independent and special counsels, federal agency inspectors general, state attorney generals as well as the Serious Fraud Office, Financial Services Authority and Crown Prosecution Service in the United Kingdom. We also are adept at handling parallel multinational investigations involving the FCPA and export controls, where the credentials and bona fides of the former government officials from both sides of the Atlantic among our ranks facilitates the necessary coordination with authorities and local counsel in other countries.
While we strive to resolve government investigations as quickly and favorably as possible, we also have the depth and experience to take any case to trial. We have an enviable record of success and we have an equally strong appellate track record.
Finally, we understand that the business imperatives of our clients, as well. We place a premium on balancing the need for excellent and thorough service with the equally vital need to maintain an appropriate sense of proportion and efficiency. In the end, we understand that for a business to remain compliant, it must remain in business, and we conduct internal investigations and defend government investigations with each of these concepts imbedded in both our philosophy and our practices.
